Non Profit

Non Profit

Autumn Update from Pippa

The “middle veld” South African autumn is here. Last night the temperature was zero and in the middle of the day 35. So it's once again a time for putting on and taking off layers of clothing. At this time of year, nature's clever seed dispersal is in full swing, the grass seed-eating birds busily [...]

By |2023-06-24T21:03:24+02:00June 24th, 2023|blog, community, Non Profit|0 Comments

Friends of Tara Rokpa Centre

We are happy to announce that Monica Burr has offered to take over the role of champion of the Friends of TRC. Friends of TRC is the new 'membership' option that we have been rolling out for the past few years. Monica will be keeping an eye on our Friends admin, as well as promoting [...]

By |2023-02-09T22:02:51+02:00February 5th, 2023|community, Non Profit, other, retreat, vision, wish list|0 Comments

Update from Pippa

Sitting indoors sheltering from a thunderstorm with my petrified dogs wanting reassurance is time for reflections. My so-called retirement time continues to be full of activity both at home, on-site and less so in Rietvaly. The weather has been hugely challenging for the gardens and residents with a period of searing heat followed by heavy [...]

By |2021-03-07T14:46:45+02:00March 7th, 2021|community, environment, Non Profit|0 Comments

Visit to Joburg for Tikologo and Rietvaly Trainees

An educational trip was organised to Johannesburg for the Tikologo and Rietvaly permaculture trainees by Sustainable Community Development NGO.  The group of young people, including 3 men and 4 women were selected as they had all been fully involved in an initial 4-day workshop held both on-site at Tikologo and at the Tirisano crèche site [...]

By |2020-12-14T21:39:51+02:00December 12th, 2020|community, environment, Non Profit, permaculture|0 Comments

Community Projects Update

As the year draws to a close, welcome rains for the past 2 weeks have brought abundant growth to the previously parched earth. This will lessen the ever-present risk of destructive fires. A lot of my time and energy, along with a support team steered by Michele Schiess has been devoted to the new chapter [...]

By |2019-11-24T12:23:24+02:00November 24th, 2019|community, environment, Non Profit, permaculture|0 Comments
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