
Autumn Update from Pippa

The “middle veld” South African autumn is here. Last night the temperature was zero and in the middle of the day 35. So it's once again a time for putting on and taking off layers of clothing. At this time of year, nature's clever seed dispersal is in full swing, the grass seed-eating birds busily [...]

By |2023-06-24T21:03:24+02:00June 24th, 2023|blog, community, Non Profit|0 Comments

Springing into Action

The view outside my back door. The first of the colloquially named ”Piet-my-vrou” (red chested) cuckoos arrived back yesterday. It always heralds spring in my mind. They stay with us, laying their eggs in the host’s nests until the autumn takes them to warmer climes. Their incessant calling can be heard on all [...]

By |2020-10-20T08:03:03+02:00October 20th, 2020|community, writing|0 Comments

Fearless Flow: Do Nothing…just Play!

Creative Play Retreat with Anton and the HA!Man Retreat Overview “We only play when we’re in the fullest sense of the word human beings, and we’re only fully human when we play.” - Fred Schiller Drawing on their extensive experience, Anton and the HA!Man will explore awareness and spontaneity as ways of being present, playing [...]

By |2022-02-12T13:23:34+02:00November 19th, 2019|, , , , , |0 Comments

Creating Momentum through Collaboration

How do we build momentum in any community? We recognize moments worth celebrating. Many of you who hold leadership positions know, it is the sad or the bad news that comes into your inbox first. As Chair of TRC, it is usually the financial challenges and staffing problems that are brought to my attention. Yet, [...]

By |2018-11-13T00:22:44+02:00November 10th, 2018|vision|0 Comments
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